Happier Times |
Then at some point along the line this happened:
Then the twitterverse went nuts with wild speculation of "who" Notch was speaking of, then this again from Notch an hour later:
I'm very sorry about the behavior of the people we won't work with any more. Celebrity or not, you don't f-bomb kids.
Which again put the twitterverse in a tissy, but people were starting to narrow down who they thought Notch was talking about. At this point some "yognaughts" took it unto themselves to defend their beloved duo and decided to send hate emails, and insults via twitter, which IMHO was a stupid thing to do, which prompted Notch to tweet in quick succession the following:
Wow. Hate, insults and threats are flooding in from Yogscast fans. I'll stop biting my tongue now.
Yogscast repeatedly insulted people, talked behind their backs, refused to cooperate, and acted like total spoiled divas nonstop.
They called us "a bunch of nerds who don't know how to run a company", demanded that we pay them to come here (nobody else got paid).
And they claim they're the reason minecraft is big and that we should thank them more than anyone else in the community. They're total dicks
A kid wanted them to sign something I had signed, and they said they'd cross it out and put "fuck you" there instead.
Everyone else in the Minecraft community is all about respecting and caring. They're not. They're an isolated island of egos.
All this said, I'm very tired at the moment, and this will probably pass. I do like the work they do, very much.
As of Monday the only reply from the yogscast were a few quick posts in their forums, indicating the same thing they put on their twitter feed:
An Official statement/Vlog will be released when Simon, Lewis and Hannah return from Las Vegas to clarify what has...fb.me/VQKjAx7a
we are about to embark on a 24 hour journey home so will officially respond when back in the UK - Lewis
This despite their forums on http://yogscast.com site blowing up with speculation of what occurred, reports from people who had "first hand knowledge" of the yogscast antics, and likely Notch fanboi's fanning the flames in said forums, alongside opposite reports of the yogscast being awesome and nice throughout the whole of Minecon.
Tone it down a "Notch" (see what I did there) |
Lewis, Really? |
Regardless I think it was in poor taste to air this out exclusively on twitter by notch when they could have easily taken this whole affair and offline and cleared up any mis-communications between the various staff members. But instead all Notch did was froth up the fanbases to where there is now going to be a geek war between the two factions.(new game model for a MMORPG?) Yogcast could easily make videos ripping on minecraft over and over of how this feature sucks or this hasn't been implemented since alpha, etc, and turn players away from the game instead of turning them on to the game too.
I really, really, really, hope this is a "troll" gone bad by both yogscast and Notch. If it is, no one is laughing as its gotten way out of hand. If its not, for us of the fanbase who enjoys both yogscast and notch, it makes us feel like Mom and Dad are getting a divorce and everyone is politely yelling at one another, of whom is going to get the flip'n dog and no one caring about the inner turmoil their causing.
Also as of now I'm unable to directly connect to yogscast.com and I really hope that they're not being DDOS'd by some misguided Notch fanboi's as that is just as bad as yogscast fanbois sending hate mail and twitter insults.
Here is the yogscast video, part 1 and part 2 below with Notch in happier, but yet awkward times:
Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by!