Thursday, January 13, 2011


UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! From the word of notch minecraft has just been updated to Beta 1.2! YAY! Check out below for all the updated goodies and the minecraft wiki for the updated recipes.  Another great resource is IGN's Minecraft Universe!

Minecraft Beta 1.2
Minecraft Beta 1.2 is live. All servers need to be updated to 1.2.
New features:
* Note blocks (right click to tune, trigger to play)
* 15 wool dyes
* A new water dwelling mob
* New tree types
* Reeds magically turned into sugar canes. They still make paper.
* A bunch of new crafting recipes
* One secret useful block
* One secret pretty block
* Cake
* AND MOAR, probably. I forget!

* Paintings work in multiplayer
* Disconnecting while riding no longer keeps the player in the world
* A bunch more state is properly synched in multiplayer
* Fixed colors going weird on PowerPC
* Fixed a horrible chunk reload loop in singleplayer
* Fixed most lighting bugs in newly generated SMP maps
* Falling sand behaves better in SMP
* Fixed a few crash on load level bugs

Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by! 

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